


Seven Mile Road is a church in Northeast Philadelphia that exists to believe the gospel, in community, and on mission.

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The gospel is good news. It’s the good news about what God has done through Jesus to redeem all that is broken in the world and all that is broken in us. Our church exists to announce, believe, celebrate, share and be transformed by this gospel.

Our church is a collection of people – imperfect people – who are connected deeply in an authentic, transparent, honest community.

Amidst all the richness and beauty of Philadelphia, there is a great deal of brokenness and pain. We’re seeking to engage that reality with the message and mercy of Christ.

Seven Mile Road exists to see people believe the gospel, in community, and on mission.

WORSHIP WITH US: Services at 9 & 11:15 AM

Latest Sermon

February 2, 2025 | Jason Whyte

Maintaining Unity

Gospel Stories

Laurel Kehl


“My favorite moment in the worship service at SMR is communion…

I go forward, take the bread and the cup, return to my seat, and watch people of every color, age, and social background go past me. I think, “These are my brothers and sisters! We are the ‘every tongue, tribe, and nation’ for whom Jesus died!”

Noel & Christie Philips


“We are beginning to understand and comprehend that the gospel is not just the basics of Christianity but the entirety of Christianity.

The gospel is not just an entryway to the faith but the truth that provides the power and the strength to live everyday life.”

Katie Green


“I’ve learned that community means doing life day in and day out with each other.

Before I thought that community was just going to Bible study and church and having superficial relationships. But now I know that community is about breaking bread together, weeping together, celebrating together, praying together. I am experiencing community as deep, real, meaningful relationships where we are pushing each other towards Jesus.”

Heidi Hankin


“After joining a GCM and DG last year, we talked a lot about community and what that actually looks like.

We’ve learned to not just lightly support each other through the ups and downs but to truly show up, ask for help, pray and praise, be vulnerable, hold one another accountable – be fully known.”

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