If you’re new to church, new to the area, or simply want to learn more about Jesus, a great first step is to attend our Sunday morning worship.
What to Expect
When are your services?
We would love to have you join us for worship. We gather in-person at 9 & 11:15 AM.
What are your services like?
Our service lasts about ninety minutes. We come together to reflect and pray, to read Scripture and hear it taught, to worship through song, and to be renewed in our relationship with God and with one another.
What if I don't normally go to church?
Someone once said, “The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints.” We couldn’t agree more. We hope you find our community to be a place where you can seek, learn, dialogue, and wrestle with who God is and what that means for your life. Our name has the word “road” in it because we know life is a journey. So wherever you’re coming from, we welcome you to walk with us.
What should I wear?
Clothes, definitely wear clothes. That’s about it as far as dress code goes.
What about kids?
We see children as a blessing and a vital part of our community. We even encourage our parents to have their children with them during our Sunday gathering. At the same time, we have Sunday School and Nursery where children in grades 2 and below are taught and cared for by our trained volunteers.
Children will be dropped off to their classes right before the sermon and we’ll return to pick them up after we celebrate communion. We also offer classes for grades 3 and above in between services (10:30-11:15am). Children attending classes for the first time can register at a check-in station in the lobby. Whatever your child’s age, we seek to welcome them at our church.
To register your child for Children’s Ministry, please use this link.

Newcomers Lunch
Newcomer’s Lunch is a great opportunity to learn more about the vision and DNA of Seven Mile Road over a meal. It’s a laid back time where you can meet some folks who belong to our church, ask any questions you may have, and find out how to get connected.
The Newcomer’s Lunch happens every other month on Sundays. And of course, children are invited to come along.