I have to be honest, making a Spotify playlist for these times gave me a headache. Where do I even begin? The “first draft” was a collection of suggestions from the SMR worship team, which I rudely sorted out all the ones I didn’t connect with and put in all the corporate worship songs I could think of that reminded me of our hope in God and His victory over death. It was a generally uplifting soundtrack that pushed me to take courage and be strong, because it’s what I felt like I needed. But that was the soundtrack made for my story. I was being selfish and forgetting that people are dealing with so many different situations. What about all the suggestions I was given from the other band members? How do I speak to the variety of stories just within my DG and GCM, let alone our entire church? 

Then I really got to overthinking this small project. Am I just adding to the noise? I’m overwhelmed by the ever-changing news and the constant opinions and advice, and I live under a rock without Facebook or cable tv. Would another blog and another playlist with someone else’s opinion on “what you need for COVID-19” really be helpful? So many stories to speak to. So many voices. How can I help? 

Fortunately, somebody already made a playlist for crazy and chaotic times. God gave us the Psalms. A list of songs to sit with us in our mourning, lift us out of fear, and walk with us as we battle fears without and within. The Psalms keep pushing us towards the truth of God’s promises. We need to remind ourselves of what is true. God is strong and he loves us (Psalm 62:11-12). He made heaven and earth, yet still bends down to help us. 

I wanted to make a playlist that reflects the variety of situations and emotions we’re all dealing with while pushing us further into our relationship with Christ and a reliance on Him. Where else can we go? So this playlist is a mess. Songs crying “How long oh Lord?” are on the same list with “Don’t Stop the Madness.” “I need a reason to sing” with “I’ve got a reason to sing.” God sits with us on both sides of the emotional spectrum, even if we seem to be flipping all over the place. God is with us in the chaos of our own hearts. 

I also want to suggest some specific albums that might be helpful in specific situations. I know from experience that in the dark pit of mourning, “It Is Well” may sting like Job’s friends. It is true that you can sing “It Is Well” no matter what happens, but God gives us the space and the patience to wrestle with our doubt and pain. He’s with us even there. 

But I also know that some of us need to stop letting fear control us. We need to be strong and courageous. We need to trust in God and grow in our faith. 

I hope these songs are just a small push in the right direction towards God in prayer and His Word, no matter what your story is right now. He is Immanuel, God with us. He is the strength of our heart and our portion forever. Where else can we go? 

For those who are weary: 
Bifrost Arts- Lamentations: Simple Songs of Lament and Hope, Vol 1

For those needing to be strong:
Austin Stone Worship- This Glorious Grace (Live)

Here is the whole playlist:
SMR- Covid19


Brett MacIntyre

by Brett MacIntyre

Brett is a member of Seven Mile Road and contributor to Story Team.