Church Planting Regionally


A church-planting church.

We believe that’s the kind of church God wants us to be and the kind of churches God wants us to plant.

To that end, we have developed this church planting residency to train and send called and qualified men to plant gospel-centered churches that will plant gospel-centered churches.

We believe the skillset required to church plant is both taught and caught. It needs an environment that is organized and organic. Therefore, while there will be a healthy amount of content to work through, there will also be a great emphasis on simply being with the leaders of Seven Mile Road in the fray of real ministry and serving shoulder to shoulder alongside them.

For more info, email Pastor Ajay

Church Planting Nationally


In 2014, leaders from Seven Mile Road Church partnered with a handful of Indian church planters from around the country to launch The Advance Initiative.

Advance exists to see a global movement of gospel-centered, multiethnic churches planted by or among Indians.

Visit The Advance Initative

Global Missions & Church Planting


The gospel is a reminder that God’s love is for the entire world and that He desires all people of all nations to know and worship Him.

And yet there are still about 7,000 unreached people groups in the world today who have never heard the good news about Jesus. God is bringing redemption to all people and He uses ordinary people like us to do that work.

We are grateful for the chance to send and support church planters and missionaries in South Asia, North Africa, and East Africa.

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